1. This morning’s message at Parkside Church, “The Rooster Crowed,” by our Senior Pastor Alistair Begg on John 13: 31-38. Jesus has just finished washing the feet of his disciples, where he demonstrated the greater will serve the lesser in a parable about what he is about to do on the cross. Jesus then tells them he is going away where they cannot go, and has given them a new commandment (under the new covenant): “Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other . Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” (John 13:34-35).
Despite being given this new commandment Peter does not inquire further about that but asks questions relative to his own interests: Where are you going? Why can't I come? Jesus’ voluntary sacrifice on the cross defines the new commandment (vs34). But Peter is not interested in selfless love. Peter is like Judas and like me too – he is more interested in the good things that concern him, his self-interest and not selfless love.
2. Our Bible Application Zoom Study (BAZS) of the risen Christ's message to the churches in Revelation 1-3. We looked at all parts of each message to each church. What came to my mind during the message this morning was that I had been more interested in Our Lord’s instructions and promises to the churches than in his commendations to the churches. I spent less time pondering what our risen Savior praised about their selfless love and gave more thought to my future and holding fast to my faith. Selfless love didn't really enter the picture and that's what the commendations were about.
3. Praise God! I'm also reading my $0.99 Kindle book by Octavius Winslow: Personal Declension and Revival of Religion in the Soul. The antique language is sometimes heavy going but the teaching is a gem! I am greatly encouraged from reading pages 135-141:
Then will my soul understand the beauty and imperative of living within the commendations of Christ (e.g., Rev 2-3 ) and mature as Peter did to more and more selfless love - even to the cross (John 21:18-19). Holy Spirit help me hear you. Amen.
Three threads: 1) hearing God in a message on "when the rooster crows" and my own self-interest, 2) the commendations of Jesus to the seven churches on their selfless love and his grace provided for their failure at it, and 3) the Holy Spirit in me - the solution and counselor to guide me into more selfless love. Christ on the cross THAT is glory and so it is when I show selfless love. I glorify Christ.
From time to time I will post thoughts here about raising Dalmatians, about family, about gardening and about my life with God. This being Palm Sunday I am struck by the ways in which God reaches us if we are wanting to hear him.
My best to you!
Despite being given this new commandment Peter does not inquire further about that but asks questions relative to his own interests: Where are you going? Why can't I come? Jesus’ voluntary sacrifice on the cross defines the new commandment (vs34). But Peter is not interested in selfless love. Peter is like Judas and like me too – he is more interested in the good things that concern him, his self-interest and not selfless love.
2. Our Bible Application Zoom Study (BAZS) of the risen Christ's message to the churches in Revelation 1-3. We looked at all parts of each message to each church. What came to my mind during the message this morning was that I had been more interested in Our Lord’s instructions and promises to the churches than in his commendations to the churches. I spent less time pondering what our risen Savior praised about their selfless love and gave more thought to my future and holding fast to my faith. Selfless love didn't really enter the picture and that's what the commendations were about.
3. Praise God! I'm also reading my $0.99 Kindle book by Octavius Winslow: Personal Declension and Revival of Religion in the Soul. The antique language is sometimes heavy going but the teaching is a gem! I am greatly encouraged from reading pages 135-141:
- Be conscious of the truth of the Holy Spirit living in me. My words: I need to show him hospitality every moment.
- Be careful to listen to him and heed (right away) what he says to help me love others selflessly. Be open to his voice.
- Be aware of the inconsistency in my Christian profession: when I'm living the world's way and when I'm in Christ. Allow God’s Spirit in me to speak me back into grace, to correct me, to confession and forgiveness.
- Be eager for the "green pastures" Christ provides in God’s word, in ministry, in prayer and confession, and in other means of grace in fellowship with other believers. In these avenues, the Holy Spirit speaks to me and bends my spirit to selfless love. I want and need to place myself in "green pasture" where my Shepherd rests his flock at noon, beside "still waters" where he leads my soul to know selfless love.
Then will my soul understand the beauty and imperative of living within the commendations of Christ (e.g., Rev 2-3 ) and mature as Peter did to more and more selfless love - even to the cross (John 21:18-19). Holy Spirit help me hear you. Amen.
Three threads: 1) hearing God in a message on "when the rooster crows" and my own self-interest, 2) the commendations of Jesus to the seven churches on their selfless love and his grace provided for their failure at it, and 3) the Holy Spirit in me - the solution and counselor to guide me into more selfless love. Christ on the cross THAT is glory and so it is when I show selfless love. I glorify Christ.
From time to time I will post thoughts here about raising Dalmatians, about family, about gardening and about my life with God. This being Palm Sunday I am struck by the ways in which God reaches us if we are wanting to hear him.
My best to you!